Federal beer tax US revenue stamps first appeared in 1866. No stamps were produced between 1919 and 1932, during the Prohibition Era in the United States. Production of federal beer tax stamps was resumed in 1933 and discontinued in 1951.
The federal beer tax, between 1866 and 1875, was $1.00 per barrel.
Beer tax stamps were provided to brewers in imperforate sheets. After filling the barrel, the brewer would then cut out the appropriate stamp for the particular sized barrel being shipped to the consumer. The stamp was to be placed over the bung (stopper or cork) of the barrel and then canceled. When the barrel was opened by the consumer, the stamp would usually be punched-through or otherwise mutilated, with the end-result being the prevention of the stamp's reuse
Quite a few of these stamps must have been more carefully removed though, as many undamaged, very nicely canceled examples are available in the philatelic marketplace.
Several different varieties of paper were used to produce many of the beer stamps.
1866 issue
Tax rate, 1.00 USD per barrel,Engraved.Printed on thin white wove paper,unwatermarked,by the note printing division of the Treasury Departement,predecessor to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.Perforated prior to distribution with 31 small holes arranged in a circular pattern.No series or year indicated.Plates were made for a 1/3 Barrel 33 1/3 stamps, but none were printed.Effective date of issue:September 1,1866.Earliest reported use : September 4,1866
12 1/2c = 1/8 barrel - orange -

REA1 - Square Cut -Priester 1B -Census 41

REA1-cut to shape-ms cancel-Priester 1D Census 80

REA1a - die cut - PRIESTER 1C census 14
16 2/3c = 1/6 barrel - dark green -

REA2-square cut - Priester2A Census 253

REA2a-die cut-Priester 2C Census 18

REA3 - Square Cut Mint - Block of four - Priester 3A

REA3- Priester 3B- May 30 1867 C kolb Newark NJ

REA3a -Die Cut- Priester 3C Census 28

REA3- Square Cut Used - Priester 3B Census 267
Charles Kolb Brewery founded in 1866 , took over by Feigenspan in 1880

50c =1/2 barrel -orange brown-

REA4 Block of four

REA4-square cut mint -Priester 4A

REA4- AS 1869 printed cancel-Priester 4Ba Census 75

REA4 -cut to shape-Priester 4D

REA5 - Square Cut Mint - Priester 5A Census 89

REA5a -Die Cut - Priester 5C census 13

REA5a - die cut- Massey , houston cancel -priester 5C census 13

REA6 -Cut to Shape -Priester 6D Census 40 -Flanagan and Wallace NY 1870 blue cancel
1867 issue
Tax rate, 1.00 USD per barrel,Engraved.Printed on thin white wove paper,unwatermarked,by the note printing division of the Treasury Departement.Identical with 1866 issue except "STAMP" with its curved lable has been deleted by the substitution of a horizontal blank tablet. Earliest reported use: January,1868


12 1/2c 1/8 Barrel-1867- Sc REA7a- Orange-Mint Die Cut -Priester 7C Census 6

16-2/3c-1/6 Barrel-1867- Sc REA8- Dark Green -Cut to Shape- Ms cancel-Priester 8D Census 10 Ex Scarsdale

25c 1/4 Barrel-1867 -Sc REA9- Blue

1/3 bbl.33-1/3 cent -1867 -sc REA 10b- Violet Brown- silk paper- Cut to Shape- Priester 10bD Census 2 -PF cert exTolman

50 C 1/2 Barrel- 1867 Sc REA11 - Orange Brown Square Cut- printed HC "AS 1869" Amana Society PI -Priester 11aB Census 18

50 C 1/2 Barrel -1867 -Sc REA11 - Orange Brown -Square Cut Mint- Priester 11A Census 207

1D 1Barrel- 1867 - ScREA12 -Black- Cut to Shape used -Priester 12D Census 20

2D 1hhd -1867- ScREA13 -Red - Cut to Shape- Priester 13D Census 18 - Rottman and Eckhoff blue cancel- brewery ended in 1873

REA12a -die cut- priester 12C census 2 -Pf certf

Black Engraved on Cardboard Series Beer stamps -from the Ordway American Bond Detector pub 1869

Black Engraved on Cardboard Series Beer stamps -from the Ordway American Bond Detector pub 1869
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